Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Number One Web Series is Now Captioned!

Thanks to Sebastian Andrade, The Annoying Orange is now closed captioned! After Caption Action 2 began making noise about no closed captions on Annoying Orange, Sebastian contacted CA 2 and let us know about his captioned videos on DotSub, where his moniker is SpongeSebastian. Then Sebastian reached out to the producer of The Annoying Orange, offering to share his caption files.

Today, Sebastian tweeted Jamie to let her know that there are now captions on this number 1 web series! The producer had accepted his offer! Sebastian hopes to get all the past episodes captioned, too. For now, there are two captioned episodes on The Annoying Orange:

Annoying Saw 2: The Annoying Death Trap


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  1. Great work!

    The Annoying Orange now has a new subscriber....

    Thanks, Jamie & Annoying Orange!

  2. Fantastic start.Congrat's. I am off to watch the videos :)
